Related links

Dr. Khalid Amine
Professor. President, International Centre for Performance Studies, Tangier.

Authorized Paul Bowles Website, The
Archive. Comprehensive information on Bowles, the expatriate US American writer, composer, and traveler who lived in Tangier for 52 years until his death in 1999.

Victor Barker
Writer. Author of The Tangier Script.

Cadmus Editions
Publisher. Jeffrey Miller, Founder. Authors include: Bowles, Burroughs, Choukri, Hibbard, Hopkins, and Rey Rosa.

Culture Counts Foundation
Project. "Explorant la Diversit
é - Promounvant le Dialogue".

Dr. Chris Gaffney
Professor. Cultural Geography (sport).

Dr. Andrew Hussey
Writer and Professor. University of London Institute in Paris

Illustrateur - Voyageur
Artists and writers. The website of Claire & Reno Marsa.

Tangier travel blog. Always at the "top" of internet searches for the city.

Mystic Flower
Research. By Vanessa Paloma, artist, writer, researcher.

Travel networking. To promote travel as an opportunity for exchange and understanding, specifically aimed at Arab lands.

Tales of Tangier
Photography. By the Swiss photographer, Amsel.

Tangier Research Project

Research. Efforts to draw more attention to the voices of city insiders.

Virtual Tourist - Tangier
Tangier Travel Blogs. Website with a million members.

Dr. Richard Wilkie
Professor. Cultural Geography (place, humanistic).

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